This is one of a delightful class of objects known as Seifert surfaces. Every knot and link (in mathematics knots are closed loops, links are assemblages of knots) has a continuous surface which it is the edge of. An introduction to these surfaces, along with free software to generate them, are at the SeifertView site.
These surfaces are often beautiful, especially for symmetrical knots and links, and here I've produced one of the sweeter ones. This surface has three edges, each a simple closed loop, which are locked together in an ancient form xcalled the Borromean Rings. Named after its use in an Italian coat of arms, these three rings are locked together inextricably although no two of them are linked. Their Seifert surface twists through the loops smoothly and gracefully, and I'm very happy with the organic mesh. It's wide enough to let light through, while responding sensitively to the curvature and giving a tactile texture.
4” diameter